Starfield Boost Pack Not Working Fix

The highly anticipated release of Bethesda’s “Starfield” has sent ripples of excitement throughout the gaming community. With promises of a vast open-world space exploration experience, players have eagerly awaited their chance to embark on interstellar adventures. However, like any complex video game, issues can arise, and one common frustration players have encountered is the “Starfield Boost Pack Not Working” problem.

Starfield Boost Pack Not Working Fix

In this article, we will delve into the possible causes of this issue and provide practical solutions to get players back into the immersive world of Starfield.

Starfield Boost Pack Not Working Fix

Boost Pack is a valuable item which lets the players glide in the air, making exploration fun and easier. However it seems that some players are having trouble using it, according to them the boost pack doesn’t work. Now if you’re also having this same issue try these following workarounds:

Step #1: Unlock Boost Pack –

First make sure that you have unlocked the skill that is required to use the Boost Pack. You can unlock it in the Skill Tech Tree by investing skill points on Boost Pack Training Rank 1. There are a total of 4 ranks but you need only the first rank to use it, the other three ranks are upgrades which provide lower fuel consumption, more fuel capacity, longer flight distance etc.

Step #2: Check Perks –

Make sure that you have equipped the “Basic Boost Pack” perk, as certain skills require certain perks to work.

Step #3: Check Fuel –

Make sure that your Boost pack has enough fuel, if it doesn’t then you will have to refuel it. You can upgrade the Boost Pack training skill to increase the capacity of fuel.

Step #4: Troubleshooting Potential Bugs-

As the game has just newly launched, players may or will find lots of bugs and glitches. In those cases the players should try these solutions:

  • Restart the Game,
  • Verify Integrity of Game Files on steam,
  • Update the game,
  • Contact Game Support,
  • Update system software to the latest version.

Also read: Starfield Fast travel directly from mission menu Fix


In the ever-evolving landscape of video games, troubleshooting technical problems is a part of the gaming experience. The “Starfield Boost Pack Not Working” issue, while frustrating, is not insurmountable. By following the steps and solutions outlined in this article, players can hopefully overcome this obstacle and fully enjoy the breathtaking universe that Starfield has to offer. As the gaming community continues to explore the vastness of Bethesda’s creation, let us remember that with a bit of patience and technical know-how, we can ensure that our journeys through the stars are as smooth as possible.

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