Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators Tier List 2023

Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical first-person shooter game that has gained immense popularity since its release in 2015. With over 60 operators to choose from, the game’s competitive scene has become more complex, making it difficult for players to choose which operators to play. Best Operators

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the best operators for Rainbow Six Siege in 2023.

Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators Tier List 2023

We will discuss the top operators in each category, including Attackers, Defenders, and Utility Operators. We will also consider the importance of versatility, counter-picking, and how well an operator fits into a specific team composition. By considering all of these factors, we will provide a definitive list of the top Rainbow Six Siege operators in 2023.

Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators Tier List 2023

In Tier S, we got 

Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators Tier List 2023

Thatcher, Mira, Nomad, Jäger, Aruni, and Zero. These operators are considered the most powerful and essential in the current meta. They excel in multiple areas, whether it be their gadget, weapons, or utility, and are often picked in every round of a match.

In Tier A, we got,

Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators Tier List 2023

Ace, Brava, Finka, Hibana, Iana, Jackal, Maverick, Sledge, Thermite, Twitch, Zofia, Azami, Bandit, Echo, Kaid, Kapkan, Mozzie, Mute, Smoke, Wamai, and Valkyrie. These operators are strong and have a significant impact on the match. While they may not be as universally useful as Tier S operators, they can still be essential in certain situations or on certain maps.

In Tier B, we got, 

Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators Tier List 2023

Ash, Buck, Capitao, Dokkaebi, Flores, IQ, Lion, Osa, Blackbeard, Alibi, Castle, Ela, Lesion, Maestro, Melusi, Pulse, Solis, Thorn, Thunderbird, Vigil, and Warden. These operators are decent and can have a role in a team, but they may not be as strong or versatile as higher-tier operators. They can still be effective in the right hands, but may not be as commonly picked as higher-tier operators.

In Tier C, we got,

Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators Tier List 2023

Fuze, Gridlock, Kali, Nøkk, Grim, Sens, Ying, Doc, Frost, Goyo, Montagne, Oryx, Tachanka, and Caveira. These operators are weaker than average and may not see much use in high-level play. While they may have some situational uses, they may not be effective in many common scenarios or against certain team compositions.

In Tier D, we got,

Rainbow Six Siege Best Operators Tier List 2023

Amaru, Glaz, Blitz, Clash, and Rook. These operators are considered the weakest in the current meta and are not often picked in high-level play. While they may have some niche uses or situational strengths, they are generally not recommended for most players.

There are currently over 60 Operators in the game, divided into two categories: Attackers and Defenders. The game is known for its strategic gameplay and emphasis on teamwork, where each player’s choice of Operator can greatly impact the success of the team.




Rainbow Six Siege continues to be a popular game among players, with its complex gameplay and ever-expanding roster of operators. As the game continues to evolve, so does the meta, making it challenging for players to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. 

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the best operators for Rainbow Six Siege in 2023, taking into consideration versatility, counter-picking, and team composition. By following our recommendations, players can improve their gameplay and stay ahead of the competition.

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