Find Poolside Container Key Location in Dead Island 2

Find Poolside Container Key Location in Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2 is a thrilling action role-playing game that takes place in a zombie-infested Los Angeles. The game is filled with challenging quests, and the Players must find and collect keys to open doors and containers. One of the keys that the Players must locate is the Poolside Container Key. In this article, we will provide a detailed guide on where to find the Poolside Container Key in Dead Island 2.

Where to Find Poolside Container Key in Dead Island 2?

Find Poolside Container Key Location in Dead Island 2
YouTube Via Arbuckle

To obtain the Poolside Container Key, the Players must first complete the “Michael Anders and the Holy Grail” main quest, located at the Monarch Studios. Once the quest is complete, the Players can fast-travel to the Halperin Hotel to find the key.

Find Poolside Container Key Location in Dead Island 2
YouTube Via Arbuckle

At the Halperin Hotel, the Players will need to defeat a unique zombie known as Sunbather, who holds the Poolside Container Key. Sunbather is an acid-shooting zombie, which makes the fight more challenging. the Players should take care to dodge the acid attacks and continuously hit the zombie until it is defeated.

Find Poolside Container Key Location in Dead Island 2
YouTube Via Arbuckle

Once Sunbather is defeated, the Players should look for a small hut beside the pool. Inside the hut, there will be a bio container that requires the Poolside Container Key to open. the Players should shoot the acid globes until they are eliminated and then step away from the scattered acids in the room. Afterward, the Players can enter the container to collect the Pucturator Composite Sledgehammer, a valuable weapon that the Players can use throughout the game.

Also read: How To Get Space Fox 2250 Key In Dead Island 2


In conclusion, Finding the Poolside Container Key in Dead Island 2, is essential to progressing through the game. the Players must first complete the “Michael Anders and the Holy Grail” main quest and then travel to the Halperin Hotel to locate Sunbather. Defeating Sunbather will give the Players access to the Poolside Container Key, which unlocks a valuable bio container beside the pool. By following these steps, the Players can obtain the Pucturator Composite Sledgehammer and continue their journey through the game.

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