How to Activate the Rift Passage Lift in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the Rift Passage Lift is a valuable shortcut between the Observatory Understructure and the Rift Passage. However, it can only be activated from the top of the lift.

How to Activate the Rift Passage Lift in Star Wars Jedi Survivor
YouTube Via ZaFrostPet

If you are a player looking to learn how to activate this lift, read on for more information.

How to Activate the Rift Passage Lift in Star Wars Jedi Survivor?

How to Activate the Rift Passage Lift in Star Wars Jedi Survivor
YouTube Via ZaFrostPet

To activate the Rift Passage Lift, the Players need to go to the top of the lift in the Observatory Understructure area. This area is accessible during Koboh Part 4 progression. And the Players can quickly access it from the Observatory Understructure meditation point.

It’s important to note that the Rift Passage Lift cannot be activated from the Rift Passage itself. The Players must travel to the top of the lift in the Observatory Understructure to activate it.

Once activated, the Rift Passage Lift provides a valuable shortcut between the Observatory Understructure and the Rift Passage. This can save the Players significant time and effort when navigating between these areas.

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In conclusion, Activating the Rift Passage Lift in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a straightforward process. But the Players need to remember to go to the top of the lift in the Observatory Understructure to do so. By activating this lift, the Players can save time and effort when travelling between the Observatory Understructure and the Rift Passage. Making their gameplay experience more efficient and enjoyable.

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