Xbox App Error 400 – How To Fix?

The Xbox App has become an integral part of the gaming experience for countless players, offering a hub for connecting with friends, accessing game libraries, and staying up-to-date with the latest Xbox news. However, technology is not without its challenges, and one of the common issues that users encounter is the dreaded “Xbox App Error 400.” This error can be frustrating and disruptive, preventing users from enjoying their favorite games and features.

Xbox App Error 400 - How To Fix?

In this article, we will explore the causes behind the Xbox App Error 400 and provide you with effective solutions to help you get back to gaming without a hitch.

Xbox App Error 400 – How To Fix?

Xbox App Error 400 can occur due to corrupted Cache files, bad internet connection, compatibility issues caused by other applications and many more. To fix it, follow these steps:

Fix #1: Restart your PC –

Xbox App Error 400 can potentially occur due to some corrupted temporary data which you can simply clear and fix by restarting your PC. This is a very simple yet effective method which you should always try when you get technical glitches.

Fix #2: Check Internet Connection –

This issue can also occur due to bad and unstable internet connection, make sure that your internet connection is fast and stable. If not then connect to a different network, if possible connect to a wired network.

Fix #3: Close Background Programs –

Programs running in the background not only take up lots of resources but also sometimes conflict with other applications. To avoid that you should close all unnecessary programs running in the background by using the task manager.

Fix #4: Update Network Drivers –

This error can also occur if your Network Drivers are outdated and Incompatible, make sure to always update your drivers to the latest version.

Fix #5: Clear Cache –

Accumulated Cache files are another cause of this issue, make sure that you clear them once in a while. To clear them follow these steps:

  • Press Windows+R to open the Dialog Box
  • In the box type %localappdata% and press OK.
  • Now, Select all the folders and delete them.

Fix #6: Repair Xbox App –

If the issue persists then try the Repair option to eliminate any corrupted files and replace any missing files. To repair follow these steps:

  • On the Search Bar search for Apps and Features.
  • Next look for Xbox and then click on it
  • There select the Advanced Options and then look for the Repair option.
  • Click on the Repair option and wait for the process to complete
  • Finally check if the issue is resolved.

Also read: Overwatch 2 Error BN 564 and Time Out Communicating Fix


In conclusion, the Xbox App Error 400 can be a stumbling block for gamers looking to immerse themselves in the world of Xbox gaming. However, as we’ve discussed in this article, there are several troubleshooting steps and solutions available to tackle this issue head-on. Whether it’s clearing your cache, checking for updates, or adjusting your network settings, these methods should help you overcome Error 400 and ensure a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience on your Xbox.

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