Starfield Groundpounder Lezma Locked Door issue Fix

Starfield,” the highly anticipated space-themed role-playing game, has captivated players with its immersive universe and intriguing side missions. Among these missions, “Groundpounder” presents an exciting challenge as players respond to a distress signal from Private Mahoney. And embark on a mission to confront Spacers near the colossal research station, Freestar Collective Research Outpost, situated on Altair II. However, as players delve into this quest, a significant hurdle arises – Groundpounder Lezma Locked Door issue.

Starfield Groundpounder Lezma Locked Door issue Fix

In this article, we will explore the “Groundpounder Lezma Locked Door issue” and provide you with a solution to overcome this obstacle and continue your spacefaring adventure.

Starfield Groundpounder Lezma Locked Door issue Fi

During the mission Groundpounder, there is a part where players need to defeat spacers outside the Infirmary and talk with Lezma. Now, many players thought that this part is bugged as interacting with lezma didn’t open the locked doors after defeating the spacers. But the thing is, it’s not a bug, you actually need two keycards to open the locked doors. So, that you can progress through the Mission.

The first keycard “U3-09 Facility Keycard” can be obtained by interacting with a Soldier near the Doctor. The second keycard “U3-09 Security Keycard” can be obtained by heading to the 3rd floor and interacting with Lieutenant Torres and Sergeant Dasari. After getting these keycards you can proceed in your mission to save Captain Myeong.

Also read: Should You Join the Freestar Rangers in Starfield?


As you venture through the boundless cosmos of “Starfield,” the Groundpounder mission serves as an engaging subplot in your interstellar saga. While the Lezma locked door issue may have momentarily stumped you, the guidance provided in this article ensures that you can now seamlessly bypass this obstacle, gaining access to new adventures beyond. With determination and resourcefulness, your journey in “Starfield” remains boundless, promising countless more thrills, encounters, and discoveries throughout the far reaches of the universe.

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