Star Wars Jedi Survivor is an exciting new video game that immerses players in the world of Star Wars, allowing them to take on the role of a Jedi Padawan who has survived the destruction of Order 66. As players journey through the galaxy, they will encounter a wide range of characters, including the Jawas. These tiny creatures are known for their scavenging skills and their ability to repair and repurpose technology. Recruit The Jawas
In this article, we will explore the benefits of recruiting Jawas in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Who are the Jawas?
In Star Wars Jedi Survivor, the latest sequel from Respawn Entertainment, Jawas are highly sought-after allies due to their valuable support skills. However, recruiting them can be challenging as they are typically considered scavengers. To acquire their assistance, you’ll have to first invest some time in-game grinding to reach their location. Mastering the art of recruiting Jawas is crucial to succeeding in the game.
Jawas, a humanoid species that inhabit various desert worlds in the Star Wars universe, possess some fascinating qualities. Despite their unremarkable physical appearance, these creatures are known for their ingenuity and scavenging abilities. They have very dark skin color, and yellow eyes, and speak their language, Jawaese, as well as Jawa Trade Talk.
How to Recruit The Jawas in Star Wars Jedi Survivor?
While there are several Jawas you can recruit in the game, such as Mosey, Turgle, and Caij, they are well hidden in Jedi Survivor, making it difficult to find and recruit them in the early stages of the game. Some players have even finished the main storyline without discovering how to recruit them. However, it is still possible to recruit a Jawa in the game with perseverance and effort.
To recruit Jawas in Star Wars Jedi Survivor at Bygone Settlement, you’ll need to first unlock the Dash and Upgraded Ascension Cable abilities. Once you have these abilities, head to the Bygone Settlement meditation Point and follow these steps:
- Speak with the Prospector at Bygone Settlement.
- Locate the Bygone Settlement Meditation Point.
- Climb the wall to the right and make your way to the platform.
- Defeat the enemies on the platform and climb the wall to the top.
- Use the supports to make your way to the other side of the platform.
- Use the Dash ability to jump from one platform to another, which is essential to recruit Jawas.
- You’ll eventually come across a large platform inside a building where you must defeat all the enemies.
- One Jawa at the exit will bring down a container above the platform.
- Proceed by leaping onto the container first, then onto the adjacent right wall, and keep moving until you reach a platform that contains another container.
- Use the Force to bring the next container near and continue this method until you reach the other side.
- Near the Zipline, you’ll see raiders attacking Jawas in the Settlement. Defeat the enemies and approach the Jawas to recruit them.
In conclusion, recruiting Jawas in Star Wars Jedi Survivor can be an incredibly beneficial move for players. These tiny creatures may seem unassuming, but their scavenging skills and their ability to repair and repurpose technology make them valuable allies in a galaxy where resources are scarce and danger lurks around every corner.
With the help of the Jawas, players can gain access to new equipment, weapons, and upgrades that will make their journey through the galaxy a little bit easier. So, if you’re playing Star Wars Jedi Survivor, don’t underestimate the power of the Jawas – recruit them and watch your chances of survival soar.