iPhone Can’t Make Calls but Can Text: #1 Easy Fix

In the fast-paced world of technology, our smartphones have become indispensable tools for communication. However, encountering issues with our devices is not uncommon, and one frustrating scenario that many iPhone users may face is the inability to make calls while still being able to send text messages. If you’ve found yourself in this perplexing situation, fear not! 

iPhone Can't Make Calls but Can Text: #1 Easy Fix

In this article, we’ll explore the #1 easy fix to address the issue and get you back to seamless communication with your iPhone.

iPhone Can’t Make Calls but Can Text: #1 Easy Fix

As you have known internet calls are not as intuitive as the normal standard carrier calls. This is because your iPhone might not make calls due to some issues or problems with your carrier. However, you can text them and cannot call. This might get quite confusing when you can text them over your iPhone but you cannot make calls. 

Here, we’ll provide you with the best methods for fixing this issue in your device. 

Use Airplane Mode

  • First, swipe down from the top right and open the Control Center menu. 
  • Enable the Airplane Mode and wait for a few seconds. 
  • Then again, disable it and open the Phone app to make calls as usual. 

Check your carrier plan

If you’re a postpaid user, then you don’t need to fret about this issue. However, pre-paid users should ensure to check the remaining voice call minutes left on their current plan. The carrier is not always the same in every country. The US carriers offer unlimited voice calls but it isn’t the same for every country. You can just top-up your number with another plan and make calls as usual.

Reset the Network Settings

  • First, open the Settings app on your device.
  • Scroll down and tap on the General menu. 
  • Tap on Transfer or Reset iPhone. 
  • Now, tap on Reset and then on Reset Network Settings. 
  • This will not reset your Bluetooth or WiFi settings on your device. 

Update the Carrier Settings

  • First, open the General menu on your device. 
  • Tap on About.
  • Scroll down and select Network Provider.
  • Tap on the carrier name and your system will update it. 

Force Restart your Device

  • First, press and release the volume up button quickly.
  • Next, press and release the volume down button quickly. 
  • Now, press the power button until the Apple Logo appears. 

Update the IOS

  • First, head to the General menu in your device’s settings.
  • Select Software Update.
  • Download and install the available update for your iOS build.
  • Once done, restart your device. 

These are the methods and steps to fix the issue regarding iPhone can’t make calls but can text.

Also read: iPhone Cannot Send Audio Messages at This Time: #1 Easy Fix


In the realm of smartphones, where connectivity is key, facing challenges with basic functions like making calls can be exasperating. Fortunately, with the straightforward solution outlined in this article, you can troubleshoot and resolve the problem swiftly, ensuring that your iPhone continues to be a reliable companion for both calls and texts. Remember, technological hiccups are inevitable, but armed with the right knowledge, you can overcome them and make the most of your communication devices. Stay connected, stay informed, and keep enjoying the convenience of your iPhone’s features!

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