How to Solve Fool’s Box Puzzle in Honkai Star Rail

How to Solve Fool’s Box Puzzle in Honkai Star Rail

The Fool’s Box puzzle in Honkai: Star Rail can be quite challenging and aggravating, especially as the puzzles become more difficult and involve three or more boxes. However, with the right strategy, the Players can quickly and easily solve the Fool’s Box problem and progress in the Vessel of Mediocrity quest line. In this guide, we will explain how to Solve Fool’s Box Puzzle in Honkai: Star Rail.

How to Solve Fool’s Box Puzzle?

The First Puzzle:

How to Solve Fool’s Box Puzzle in Honkai Star Rail
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The first puzzle piece in the Fool’s Box puzzle consists of two rather straightforward parts. The Players only have to move two boxes in the first section. To move the first box to the appropriate location, approach it from the right side and push the second box down for one field. Then, move it to the left just like the first box.

While the second section may pose a slightly greater challenge, it is still relatively straightforward to solve. After moving the sole box in the second row all the way to the right, the Players can drag the last box from the first row up into the correct position. Lower the first box by one field and push the adjacent box to the right into the necessary area by approaching the leftmost remaining box from above and sliding it one field down. Finally, move the last box to the right and downward to complete the puzzle.

The Second Puzzle:

How to Solve Fool’s Box Puzzle in Honkai Star Rail
YouTube Via Sempaq Gaming

In The Vessel of Mediocrity Part 2, there are two puzzle parts that the Players must solve. The first one can seem difficult but is fairly simple. The Players should rotate the misplaced boxes counterclockwise. Utilize the image provided to solve the second puzzle’s first three boxes. After moving them appropriately, the Players will only have three boxes remaining in one column. Lower the bottom box by pushing the middle one to the right, then return the center box all the way to the left yellow field and repeat with the first box the Players moved.

The Third Puzzle:

How to Solve Fool’s Box Puzzle in Honkai Star Rail
YouTube Via 100% Guides

The Vessel of Mediocrity’s third instalment will begin when the Players encounter Cyrille’s phantom in Belobog. This puzzle has only one section and three boxes, but it is very challenging. To start, the Players should move the lone box on the left two fields up. After that, completely slide the lower remaining box to the left. Bring the initial box the Players moved back down one field and move the neighbouring box down one field as well. Move the box on the left upwards by two fields so that it is positioned between two yellow squares. Then, move the box that is currently occupying the yellow square to its right. Next, move the other two boxes. Push the topmost box into the yellow square by moving it one field below from there. In order to access the box above and relocate it to the top yellow square, move down to the bottom of the stack and push the box that is not currently situated within a yellow square towards the right. Finally, raise the last box into the final yellow square and place it back in its previous location.

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In conclusion, Solving the Fool’s Box puzzle in Honkai: Star Rail can be a challenging task, but with the right strategy, the Players can easily progress in the Vessel of Mediocrity quest line. By following the steps provided in this guide, the Players can quickly and easily solve each puzzle piece and advance in the game.

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