How To Place Chicken Crossing Signs in Fortnite

Fortnite is a popular online game that involves building structures and battling against other players. The game’s popularity has led to the creation of many mods and add-ons, including the ability to place chicken crossing signs in the game. If you’re wondering how to place chicken crossing signs in Fortnite, you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

How To Place Chicken Crossing Signs in Fortnite

In celebration of the Easter season, one of the Spring Breakout challenges in Fortnite tasks players with placing Chicken Crossing Signs at specific locations. More specifically, you’ll need to travel to either Frenzy Fields or Kenjutsu Crossing and set up four signposts.

How To Place Chicken Crossing Signs in Fortnite?

To place the Chicken Crossing Signs, the players will need to place four Chicken Crossing Signs to complete the Fortnite Spring Breakout quest. We recommend the players go to the quest location furthest from the Battle Bus’s route. For instance, if the bus is flying northeast from Frenzy Fields to Brutal Bastion, heading to Kenjutsu Crossing will result in the least confrontations. 

We also recommend the players to go to Frenzy Fields, which is generally a much quieter drop location, and easier to navigate. Once you’ve landed on the southern side of Frenzy Fields, look for four markers on your minimap, showing exclamation marks. All you need to do is walk up to the transparent signs in this area and interact with them. This will place a Chicken Crossing Sign.

How To Place Chicken Crossing Signs in Fortnite

After completing the quest you’ll receive the “The Works” loading screen which is a hotdog-themed loading screen. 



Placing chicken crossing signs in Fortnite can add an element of fun and whimsy to the game. Whether you’re looking to spice up your own gaming experience or create a unique challenge for other players, knowing how to place these signs is essential. 

By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to add chicken crossing signs to your Fortnite game in no time. So, get ready to have some fun and start placing those signs!

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