Defeat Two Wormys at Once

How to Defeat Two Wormys at Once in Astro Bot

Team Asobi‘s Astro Bot 2024, published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, was recently released to celebrate Playstation‘s 30th anniversary. This is a direct sequel to Astro’s Playroom, which was released in 2020.

Defeat Two Wormys at Once

The game often challenges players to defeat two specific enemies simultaneously, known as Wormys, to unlock the Double Dug-In trophy.

How to Defeat Two Wormys at Once in Astro Bot

This guide provides a strategy for defeating two Wormys simultaneously, ensuring you secure another trophy for your collection, despite the task appearing easier than other resource-heavy trophies.

To get to wormys, head to the Wormy Passage level in the Tentacle System in Astro Bot.

Defeat Two Wormys at Once
  1. To defeat two Wormys in Astro Bot, retrieve frog boxing gloves from the chest and head straight ahead.
  2. Remove the Wormy from the ground and break through the golden door.
  3. Head straight ahead until you find a platform with a large gemstone.
  4. To defeat both Wormys, get close enough to hit them simultaneously.
  5. Move to the left corner of the incline where glowing mushrooms are and extend both gloves.
  6. Pull them as far as possible and press L2 and R2 simultaneously. Pulling back on one too soon will only kill one Wormy, so you can restart the level or fall off the platform to respawn.

How to Get the ‘Double Dug-in’ Secret Trophy

If you slip up, the two Wormys are close to the start, making the walk back shorter. Once you take down both Wormys, you should pop the Double Dug-In trophy.

80 leve­ls dot the game, found in six galaxies and spanning 50 plane­ts. Three challenge­ levels per stage­ – Easy, Normal, and Hard. Main plot stages? Easy to Normal. Want a challenge? Try optional hard stage­s. How tough is each one? Just check the­ difficulty meter! Make sure you Look forward to more le­vels post-2024 launch with downloadable extras.

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