The Route Forward is a challenging mission in the popular first-person shooter game, Modern Warfare 2 DMZ. Players are tasked with navigating through a complex map, taking down enemy forces, and completing various objectives along the way. It can be a daunting task, especially for newer players, but with the right strategy and tactics, it can be conquered. The Route Forward mission

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to complete The Route Forward mission in MW2 DMZ.
How to complete The Route Forward mission MW2 DMZ
To complete the Route Forward mission, players need to complete the three objectives given in hand.
- To Loot seven Tracking Devices from the Al Sharim Pass dumpster dead drop.
- To Plant seven Tracking Devices on the AQ trucks in Sattiq Caves in one deployment.
- Travel to the server rack in the bunker in Sattiq Caves and download the data.

To loot the seven Tracking Devices, you need to go to the Al Sharim Pass dumpster dead drop location. Once you reach the location, make your way up the hill from the Octar Village side to the top level of All-Stream Pass. Expect heavy resistance, and start this mission with full armor. There will be more enemy forces to clean out in the next objective.

To plant the seven Tracking Devices, you need to go around the Sattiq Caves to find the seven AQ Trucks. These trucks are scattered around this location and even inside the cave. If you have done the Caved In mission, you probably know where this location is.

Once all Tracking Devices are in place, head to the isolated bunker next to one of the exfil points in Sattiq Cave Complex. In one of the sections of the bunker, you’ll see the servers and an activation switch. Approach the switch and press the interact button when a prompt appears to download the server data. The download will finish in a few seconds, and you’ll complete the mission.
The Route Forward mission in MW2 DMZ can be a formidable challenge for even experienced players. However, with careful planning, effective communication, and strategic use of weapons and equipment, it can be successfully completed. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can overcome the challenges and emerge victorious.
So, gear up and get ready to take on The Route Forward!