Get Rid Of Your Golems In Minecraft Legends

Are you a Minecraft Legends player who has summoned too many golems and is now facing a population cap issue? Don’t worry, we have a solution for you! In this article, we will discuss how to get rid of excess golems in Minecraft Legends.

Get Rid Of Your Golems In Minecraft Legends

One of the most reliable ways to remove golems from your army is to kill them. You can send them into battle against the Piglins, but if you have summoned too many Mossy Golems, they may heal too much to be killed in combat. Fortunately, lava can be an effective method for removing golems from your army.

How to Get Rid Of Your Golems In Minecraft Legends?

Get Rid Of Your Golems In Minecraft Legends

Here’s how to kill golems with the help of lava in Minecraft Legends:

Step 1: Find a location in your Overworld map with lava and collect the necessary resources for bridge building. You can often find lava in piglin invasion bases or near their Night Beacons, making these locations good options for sourcing lava to use in removing excess golems in Minecraft Legends.

Step 2: Build a bridge or ramp to cross the lava.

Step 3: Direct the golems you want to remove to stand at the center of the bridge or ramp, directly above the lava.

Step 4: You can then step away from the bridge or ramp and dismantle it, causing the golems to fall into the lava and perish.

Step 5: After removing the ramp/bridge, the golems will fall into the lava and perish.



In conclusion, while golems are a useful ally in Minecraft Legends, sometimes you need to remove them to free up space for other units in your army. Killing the golems through battles against the Piglins is one option, but it may not be effective for healing Mossy Golems. Using lava to kill the golems is an effective method, although not the most humane. Until a command to dismiss mobs is introduced, this remains the best option you have for getting rid of excess golems in Minecraft Legends.

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