Find the Mysterious Stranger in Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter is an award-winning simulation game developed by Bethesda Game Studios. In this game, players are responsible for building and managing their own Vault, a shelter located in a post-apocalyptic world. As they progress through the game, players may encounter a mysterious stranger who randomly appears in their Vault. Finding this stranger can be a challenge, but the rewards are worth the effort. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks for finding the mysterious stranger in Fallout Shelter.

Find the Mysterious Stranger in Fallout Shelter

How to Find the Mysterious Stranger in Fallout Shelter?

To find the Mysterious Stranger in Fallout Shelter, you’ll need a good pair of headphones as you’ll have to constantly listen for a piano tone. When everything is quiet and calm, you’ll notice a mysterious stranger, so don’t worry about finding him. When you hear the sound, you’ll need to identify him in your fault which may take approximately 7-10 seconds. 

Find the Mysterious Stranger in Fallout Shelter

 After every piano tune, if you fail to locate him, you’ll hear another piano tune and he’ll disappear. Though he reappears within every few minutes. If you are too close to him, the piano tune will get louder and this will be the key to finding him in larger vaults and in smaller vaults, it shouldn’t be much of a hassle. 

The Stranger tends to hide behind things, so we recommend keeping the camera panned all the way out so that once you find you can scroll to the desired vault quicker. Once you find and locate him, tap or click on him to gain some easy caps. 



In conclusion, the mysterious stranger in Fallout Shelter is a unique feature that adds an exciting element to the game. With the tips and tricks provided in this article, players can increase their chances of finding the mysterious stranger and reaping the rewards. Remember, keep an eye out for the tell-tale sound cue, and don’t be afraid to take a chance and explore different rooms in your Vault. Happy hunting!

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