Call of Duty is a first-person shooter game that has become incredibly popular in recent years. The game offers a wide variety of missions and challenges. And the Players are constantly looking for ways to complete them. One such mission is the Chauffeur mission, which requires Players to complete series of tasks to successfully complete the challenge. In this article, we will discuss how to Complete the Chauffeur Mission in Warzone 2 DMZ.
How to Complete the Chauffeur Mission?
To complete the Chauffeur mission in Call of Duty, there are a few steps to follow. First, they must ensure that they are deploying into the DMZ solo by turning off the Squad Fill option in the menu screen. Any map can be chosen, including Al Mazrah or Ashika Island.
The next two tasks must be completed in the same match. Players must purchase a Personal Exfil at a Buy Station in DMZ. Which can be found under the Gear menu for $50,000 cash. This can be obtained by looting Strongholds, locked spaces. if they have their keys, and airplane supply drops for cash and valuables, which can be sold for cash.
Before calling in the Personal Exfil, players should find another player in the game. Who is willing to help them with the mission. They can use the Ping Wheel by holding down the ping button to bring up a list of options. Including the invite to squad or request to join squad options. The request to join squad option is recommended as it allows solo players to join existing squads. Alternatively, players can respond to a plea for help from an operator who has died nearby and interact with their body to get them to join their squad.
Once another player has joined their team, players can ask them via voice or text chat to help with the challenge. If they agree, the Personal Exfil can be purchased from the shop. Players should then go to the yellow exfil point, call the evac helo, and extract with the random player to complete the Chauffeur mission.
Also read: Find Sattiq Poppy Farmer House Warzone 2 DMZ
in conclusion, Completing the Chauffeur mission in Call of Duty can be challenging, but it is a great way to test your skills and teamwork abilities. By following the steps outlined in this article, the Players can successfully complete the mission and move on to more challenging tasks in the game. Remember to work together with your team, communicate effectively, and be prepared for anything that comes your way. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-notch Call of Duty player.