ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List 2023

Genshin Impact, the popular action role-playing game developed by miHoYo, has captivated millions of players worldwide with its stunning visuals, immersive open-world gameplay, and a vast array of weapons to choose from. As the game evolves with regular updates and new characters are introduced, the weapon meta also shifts, making it crucial for players to stay up-to-date with the latest weapon tier list. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List for 2023, highlighting the best weapons across different weapon types and their rankings based on their performance in the current game meta. 

ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List 2023

Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this tier list will serve as a valuable guide to help you make informed decisions when it comes to equipping your characters with the most powerful weapons.

ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List 2023

There are a total of five categories of weapons in the game. They are Swords, Claymores, Polearms, Catalysts, and Bows.

In this guide, we’ll take you through all the SS, S, A, B, and C tiers of weapons in Genshin Impact.

Below are the Swords Tier List: 

Main DPSSub DPSSupport
SSLight of Foliar Incision,
Mistsplitter Reforged,
Primordial Jade Cutter,
Haran Geppaku Futsu.
Mitsplitter Reforged,
Primordial Jade Cutter.
Favonius Sword,
Xiphos’ Moonlight 
SSummit Shaper,
Skyward Blade,
Aquila Favonia,
The Black Sword.
Skyward Blade,
Favonius Sword,
Sacrificial Sword,
Harbinger of Dawn,
Xiphos’ Moonlight.
Sapwood Blade, 
Sacrificial Sword.
ALion’s Roar,
Toukabou Shigure,
Prototype Rancour,
Blackcliff Longsword,
Harbinger of Dawn,
Key of Khaj-Nisut.
Amenoma Kageuchi, 
The Alley Flash, 
Iron Sting,
Toukabou Shigure,
Festering Desire,
Key of Khaj-Nisut.
Key of Khaj-Nisut,
Primordial Jade Cutter.
BThe Flute,
Royal Longsword,
Iron Sting,
Kagotsurube Isshin,
Skyrider Sword.
Lion’s Roar,
The Cinnabar Spindle,
Skyrider Sword.
CSword of Descension,
Fillet Blade,
Dark Iron Sword,
Cool Steel.
Dark Iron Sword,
Cool Steel,
Traveler’s Handy Sword.
Swords Tier List
ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List 2023
Light of Foliar Incision

Below are the Claymore Tier List:

Main DPSSub DPSSupport
SSBeacon of the Reed Sea,
Wolf’s Gravestone, Redhorn Stonethresher, Serpent Spine,
Song of Broken Pines.
Beacon of the Reed Sea,
Skyward Pride,
Favonius Greatsword,
Sacrificial Greatsword.
Wolf’s Gravestone,
Song of Broken Pines,
Beacon of the Reed Sea,
Favonius Greatsword.
SSkyward Pride,
The Unforged,
Prototype Archaic,
Snow-Tombed Starsilver.
Katsuragikiri Nagamasa, 
Wolf’s Gravestone,
Luxurious Sea-Lord,
Forest Regalia,
Sacrificial Greatsword,
Makhaira Aquamarine.
ALuxurious Sea-Lord,
Blackcliff Slasher,
Mailed Flower,
Skyrider Greatsword.
Mailed Flower,
Lithic Blade,
Makhaira Aquamarine.
The Unforged,
The Bell.
BThe Bell, 
Royal Greatsword,
Lithic Blade,
Debate Club.
Bloodstained Greatsword.Ferrous Shadow.
CWhite Iron Greatsword,
Ferrous Shadow,
Bloodstained Greatsword.
Claymore Tier List
ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List 2023
Beacon of the Reed Sea

Below are the Polearm Tier List:

Main DPSSub DPSSupport
SSEngulfing Lightning,
Staff of Homa,
Primordial Jade
Staff of Scarlet Sands.
Engulfing Lightning,
Skyward Spine,
The Catch.
Favonius Lance.
SCalamity Queller,
Vortex Vanquisher,
Skyward Spine,
Calamity Queller,
Staff of Homa,
Primordial Jade
Staff of Scarlet Sands,
Favonius Lance,
Wavebreaker’s Fin.
AWavebreaker’s Fin,
Blackcliff Pole,
Lithic Spear.
Kitain Cross Spear,
Missive Windspear, Dragon’s Bane,
Vortex Vanquisher,
Missive Windspear,
Staff of Homa,
Black Tassel.
BDragon’s Bane,
Crescent Pike,
Royal Spear,
Prototype Starglitter,
Dragonspine Spear.
Lithic Spear,
Prototype Starglitter.
White Tassel,
Black Tassel.
Black Tassel.
Polearm Tier List
ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List 2023
Engulfing Lightning

Below are the Catalyst Tier List:

Main DPSSub DPSSupport
SSSkyward Atlas,
Lost Prayer to the Scared Winds,
Kagura’s Verity,
The Widsith,
Tulaytullah’s Remembrance.
Kagura’s Verity,
Skyward Atlas,
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers,
A Thousand Floating Dreams.
SDodoco Tales,
Solar Pearl.
Oathsworn Eye,
Sacrificial Fragments,
Solar Pearl.
Everlasting Moonglow,
Favonius Codex,
Prototype Amber,
Wandering Evenstar.
AEverlasting Moonglow,
Memory of Dust,
Wine and Song,
Mappa Mare,
Blackcliff Agate,
Wandering Evenstar.
Hakushin Ring,
Favonius Codex,
Mappa Mare,
Wandering Evenstar.
Hakushin Ring,
Sacrificial Fragments
BEye of Perception,
Royal Grimoire, Frostbearer.
Fruit of Fulfillment,
Magic Guide,
Emerald Orb.
Memory of Dust.
CFruit of Fulfillment,
Twin Nephrite,
Magic Guide,
Emerald Orb.
Otherworldly Story.Otherworldly Story.
Catalyst Tier List
ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List 2023

Below are the Bow Tier List:

Main DPSSub DPSSupport
SSAqua Simulacra,
Hunter’s Path,
Polar Star,
Thundering Pulse,
Skyward Harp,
Amos’ Bow,
Polar Star,
Aqua Simulacra,
Elegy for the End,
Skyward Har.
Elegy for the End.
SMouun’s Moon, Hamayumi,
Blackcliff Warbow.
Mourn’s Moon,
Favonius Warbow,
Alley Hunter,
The Stringless,
Sacrificial Bow,
Fading Twilight.
Favonius Warbow.
AMitternachts Waltz,
Compound Bow,
The Viridescent Hunt.
End of the Line,
Windblume Ode.
Sacrificial Bow.
BKing’s Squire,
Royal Bow,
Prototype Crescent,
Sharpshooter’s Oath,
Raven Bow.Aqua Simulacra,
Recurve Bow.
Raven Bow.
Sharpshooter’s Oath.
Bow Tier List
ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List 2023
Aqua Simulacra

Swords playstyle is for the players who do not want the fast swing attacks of polearms, and at the same time, do not want the sluggish feel of claymores as well. In Genshin Impact, swords are pretty much the middle ground for melee-based combat.

Claymore is a slow-swing but heavy-hitting weapon in Genshin Impact that favors muscle more than speed. Claymores are slow, but they hit hard and deal much more damage per swing than swords and polearms.

Polearms are fast like small-sized daggers; however, they contain an elongated handle that gives this weapon versatility to reach and penetrate the enemy’s defenses. In Genshin Impact, this weapon type allows the character to maintain a distance and keep hitting the opponent from a safe distance.

Catalysts are an elemental means of offense in Genshin Impact, which replaces the charged and normal attack with elemental damage. The nature of the elemental attack depends on the character in the game.

Bows are a shoot-from-a-distance kind of weapon in Genshin Impact whose charged attacks infuse a character’s elemental nature into the arrow. This weapon’s normal attacks allow a character to fire simple arrows in quick succession.



As Genshin Impact continues to evolve and new weapons are introduced, staying updated with the latest weapon tier list can significantly impact your gameplay and enhance your overall experience. From powerful 5-star weapons to reliable 4-star options, this tier list provides valuable insights on the best weapons to use for different characters and playstyles. 

However, it’s important to remember that weapon choice ultimately depends on your playstyle and preferences, and experimentation is encouraged. We hope that this comprehensive ALL Genshin Impact Weapons Tier List for 2023 has been informative and helpful in guiding you toward making informed decisions on your weapon choices in the game. Happy adventuring!

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